Hero |
Hero Information |
Position |
Difficulty |
Hero Picture |
Phantom Assasin |
Phantom Assasin is a safe lane hero. In her lane she is helped by the hard support.
Her attacks include throwing a damage dealing dagger, being able to jump to any in game character and gain
attack speed, and has a high percentage during every attack to hit a critical strike.
Safe Lane |
Challenging |
Wind Ranger |
Wind Ranger is a midlane hero. She goes there solo and is up against one other player on the enemy team.
She has the ability to shoot a strong damage dealing arrow, run at an increased speed, and be able to unleash
a furry of arrows at a specific target. |
Midlane |
Hard |
Invoker |
Invoker is another midlane character who is very hard to master. He has three basic spells that can be used
to invoke ten other different spells. During this takes a lot of time to master as you have to hit specific keys
in a very fast manner. This character is really rewarding to play once mastered. |
Midlane |
Extremly Difficult |
Spectre |
Spectre also plays in the Safelane. Spectre abbilites include throwing daggers that mark and deal damage to enemies,
being able to clone herself on any enemy, and do an extreme amount of damage when fighting enemies one on one./ |
Safe Lane |
Extremly Difficult |
Here I have included a picture of various other heros but not all. The list would go on and on, I have added a link to the
picture to take to you to the offical dota 2 website completly breaking down characters! Just click on the picture collage. |